The annual jathra festival at Madyar Parashakthi temple is an occasion to enjoy the glory of Jaganmatha in a celestial atmosphere. The fruition of the efforts of the volunteers in undertaking the preparations for the utsav celebrations, under the divine directions of Sri Swamiji can be experienced during the jathra mahotsav. The meticulousness, precision and the discipline with which the tasks are assigned and executed during the occasion, including anna danam will readily impress the visitors. All these are possible due to the stringent high standards stipulated by Sri Swamiji for the devotees and his persistent preaching, calling for total surrender to the Jaganmatha, who is the ultimate caretaker of all of us.
The jathra mahotsav of the temple was held from 2nd to 3rd of March,2012 in traditional way, under the guidance of Sri Swamiji with vaidika rituals and cultural programs. Every year, students excelling in diverse fields of education, talent and sports are honoured directly by Sri Swamiji. The related photographs below depict the jathra celebrations at Madyar Sri Parashakthi kshetra.