The program is being arranged at different temples every month with the objective of spreading the dharmik/adhyatmik awareness among the people. The convener of the Parishat Advocate Sri Mahabala Shetty, Advocates Sri Seetharam Shetty and Sri Vasudeva Gowda were also present on the dias during inauguration. Later, young, budding Haridasa Sri S.P.Gurudas of Mangalore enchanted the gathering through harikatha.
The harikatha program will continue for a week with the participation of different eminent haridasas. On 26th of January, the parishad will celebrate its “Varshikotsav” at Madyar temple. As part of this, there will also be a conclave of Dharmadhikaris/Mokthesars of D.K., Kasargod district temples.